“Eco&Equo” will be held from 20th to 23rd November at the Ancona fair-ground. An Exhibition-
Market where regional traditions and culture, fair trade and new kinds of ecologically-sustainable
production meet in order to offer different development opportunities and, at the same time, to
conciliate social needs with environmental respect.
More info:
Regione Marche
Assessorato all'Ambiente
Tel. 0718063495 - Fax 0718063034
e-mail: info@ecoandequo.it
E.R.F. – Ente Regionale Fieristico
Tel. 07158971 – Fax 0715897213
e-mail: info@erf.it
web site: www.erf.it
Segreteria commerciale
FreeService Srl
Tel. 0719174299 – Fax 0719164063
e-mail: freeser@tin.it
e-mail: info@ecoandequo.it
web site: www.ecoandequo.it